Harassment and Bullying Reporting
Harassment and bullying have no place in our community. The AGSU Executive is committed to ensuring our members experience a positive and supportive work and study environment. Furthermore, behaviours such as harassment, bullying, threats, and related actions are regulated by multiple University of Toronto policies, notably the student code of conduct.
If you find yourself facing any form of harassment or bullying, you can approach the AGSU Executive Committee and/or the Department of Anthropology Graduate Chair or Co-Chair. For a detailed list of who to approach about your situation, please see the chart below. Please also know that any AGSU members can request an AGSU Executive Member (usually one of the Presidents) to accompany them to any meeting with department faculty (including faculty administration) for support and as a witness (see Article 3, item 3 of the AGSU Constitution). For those who may be uncomfortable approaching the department administration directly, there are additional resources available for University of Toronto students. Below are just a few of the resources available beyond our department:
Community Safety Office - short-term support and assistance to members of the University of Toronto community who have experienced personal safety concerns including: Stalking and Harassment, Bullying and Intimidation, Threats, Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence, Workplace Conflict and Volatile Behaviour.
Institutional Equity Office – this is the umbrella organization for all initiatives and offices relating to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. They can be contacted if you are unsure about where to direct an inquiry.
Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office – The Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) provides services to support University members in their efforts to foster environments that are intentionally racially diverse and inclusive through the advancement of equitable practices, education and training and the provision of complaints resolution supports on matters of race, faith and intersecting identities.
Sexual and Gender Diversity Office – the SGDO develops partnerships to build supportive learning and working communities at the University of Toronto by working towards equity and challenging discrimination.
Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre – The Centre is here to help and support students, staff and faculty at the University of Toronto who have been affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment. The Centres helps you access and navigate supports such as counselling, medical services, academic or workplace accommodations, financial aid and legal aid.
Accessibility Services – Assists in navigating disability-related barriers to academic success at U of T for ongoing or temporary disabilities. Provides services and supports for learning, problem solving, and inclusion.
Student Mental Health Resource – Provides a range of supports from workshops and programs to in-person counselling.